Category: Consumer outrage

  • Bank of America marketing: how to lose customers on a grand scale

    Well, growing a business ethically continues to defy Bank of America. First, it duped shareholders by concealing girnormous losses at Merrill-Lynch last year — then it agreed to paying ML’s brokers astronomical bonuses, all apparently in exchange for an extra $50B in TARP funding. Next, it pissed off a Federal judge who wouldn’t let BofA…

  • Choose one: New FTC blog post guidelines a) protect you b) kill free speech

    Well, this is one of those times when the government acts and you get to chose your reaction. On the one hand, the emergence of the ‘net as the definitive source of reviews for everything from software to celery has become a bonanza for the shills of the world who review products for filthy lucre…

  • Charles Schwab’s lies are (finally) gonna land it in court

    It felt so good to unload two weeks ago on Charles Schwab for lying about the safety and liquidity of auction-rate securities they sold me. Blogging as catharsis is underrated, especially if you have as much tied up as I do in these now illiquid ARSs. As I pointed out in my previous post, just…

  • turns it up to 11 on Verizon over privacy

    Remember the original Spinal Tap movie in which the amplifiers go to 11? Voila! Instant meme. Well, I’ve just read a blog post from called “The Verizon Prank” in which John Hargrave risks big dogs and angry neighbors to make a point I wish more people were concerned about: lax privacy controls. Maybe we have…

  • Get a Grip on Miracle Wipe

    Do you crunch? Or fold? After over three years of blogging, I am officially nonplussed. Update 2019-04-29:  removed Shockwave link. I guess it’s time after almost 10 years not to be so upset. Plus, Shockwave is both dangerous on my website and deprecated.

  • The two best choices for the worst company in America

    I just love The Consumerist blog. It’s snarky, fun and to-the-point. But it worried me no end when Consumer Reports bought it. You know, the people who have the temerity to “accept no advertising” but who continue to sell useless “car price information.” These are the people who hawk their magazine shamelessly while being among…

  • American Express to customers: Forget do-not-call; we’ll call you anytime we like

    When you get a credit card statement, do you ever read all the legalese on the back of the pages with the I-owe-a-fortune-amounts? I’ll bet many people don’t, despite the imploring of many consumer advocates. Consumer Reports, in particular, practically harangues readers to be aware of the ability of credit card companies to change terms…

  • Are you feeling like you’ve been screwed, but can’t quite figure out how?

    Maybe it’s your health care insurer manipulating your out-of-network health care claim reimbursements to increase their profits. Remember last fall when you signed up for the significantly more expensive plan that lets you choose a doctor out-of-network? You thought you were being smart. Instead, it turns out you’re being screwed. Your extra premiums are finding…

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