Category: Azure
The mother of all Azure SQL Database ARM templates
A tutorial ARM template to deploy Azure SQL databases with elastic pools and failover groups
Azure Virtual Network Service Endpoints
List all Azure virtual network service endpoints in PowerShell
Find Azure Marketplace VM images using PowerShell
PowerShell 7 pipelines make drill-down queries easy
Retrieve ARM template output in PowerShell
Using PowerShell and ARM together is better than either alone
Azure Resource Manager child resources: a style guide
When to use a child resource in an ARM template
Select an Azure subscription easily
Out-GridView is back in PowerShell 7
Display enabled Azure subscriptions
A PowerShell function to list enabled Azure subscriptions
Comparing Azure and Azure Stack
An API-level comparison of Azure Stack vs. Azure
Improve Azure VM backup and restore performance
Azure Recovery Services backup performance can be improved with a quick PowerShell command
Define Azure network security groups (NSGs) and attach to Vnets
An sample ARM template to create network security groups and associate them with a virtual network
Azure tutorial template to create UDRs and associate them with subnets
A sample Azure ARM template to create user-defined routes (UDRs) in Vnets and assign them to subnets
Azure Resource Manager nested templates: the magic number is five
Azure templates limits mean just five resource groups in a single deployment