Category: DevOps
Create a PowerShell array of hash tables from a file
Store CloudFormation parameters on disk for easy changes
AWS YAML sample CloudFormation template to create VPC
An example YAML CloudFormation template to create an AWS VPC
Display EC2 instance attributes in a table
Making it easier to filter EC2 instance attributes
Create VPC in CloudFormation and launch it in PowerShell
A CloudFormation sample that creates a VPC with a public and a private subnet in a couple of clicks
Monitor the resizing of EBS volumes
Increasing the size of EBS volumes is easier than ever
Monitor the status of an AWS VPC VPN tunnel
Monitor your AWS VPC VPN tunnels
Tag AWS EC2 EBS volumes with the instance name tag
Banish blank EBS volume names forever
Add local users and groups to an EC2 instance with AWS CloudFormation
A PowerShell Gallery module eases a tough DevOps task
How to configure small AWS virtual private clouds
Create AWS VPC subnets
Start or stop EC2 instances with one line of PowerShell
PowerShell’s pipeline proves powerful…and alliterative
How to install SQL Server and SSRS SSL certificates
How I learned to love SQL Server in AWS EC2
How to find AWS S3 bucket size and number of objects via PowerShell
Determine the size of and number of objects in an Amazon S3 bucket