Category: Politics

  • A video blog you have to see

    Sometimes, the combination of a new medium (podcasting, in this case the video version of it some people call vlogging) with politics and journalism produces something very, very special. Alive in Baghdad is an impressive example. I won't go on here about what it means…or how it affected me. That's for you to discover for…

  • Weg, du verdammter Fleken; weg, sag ich!

    Like Lady Macbeth, Germany once again is trying — mechanistically, naturally — to deal with its criminal past. This time it turns out that a famous author signed up for the Waffen-SS. And just like it ever was, Germany’s celebrated Günter Grass turns out to have the same damn’d spot Lady Macbeth tried hard to,…

  • Lube brain, hook mouth to truth

    Sure, Mel. Send us roses, crank up the defensive PR and get a lot of sympathy for your "struggle" with alcoholism. But we all know that the desperation to blame your disease is only a cover for the reality that you're a closet bigot. Funny thing about alcohol: with vino comes veritas. Please do get…

  • Crush-achusetts

    People here in eastern Massachusetts are just plain revolted today with our government's inability to build public infrastructure that's safe. Note that I am not even asking for on-time or reasonably on budget. Just safe. This isn't the first time in my lifetime that Massholes in government have taken the Commonwealth to the cleaners. Sharp…