Thinking aloud: Azure, AWS, DevOps, cars and opinion from Alex Neihaus
How to add BGP routes to AWS security groups
PowerShell’s Compare-Object makes it easy to compare two collections of objects
AWS KMS multi-region keys
AWS multi-region key CloudFormation templates
Write great AWS Lambda PowerShell functions
How to write great Lambda functions in PowerShell
Azure SFTP: a Bicep example
How to create secure cloud SFTP server in Azure, including a sample Bicep template to deploy secure SFTP using public/private key authentication.
Azure Bicep is a revolution in Azure DevOps
Getting started with Azure Bicep templates
How to create secure SFTP servers in AWS
Create secure SFTP servers in AWS with this CloudFormation template
AWS multi-region KMS keys and Data Lifecycle Manager: better together
How to manage AWS AMIs securely and easily
Create an Azure Service Principal at the Management Group scope
Azure AD service principals for management groups
AWS S3 server-side encryption
How to create AWS S3 server-side encryption using PowerShell
Azure PowerShell needs a better debugger
Thoughts about PowerShell and VS Code
Running Jellyfin in a Docker container
How to run Jellyfin in a Docker container and persist content
Revit history: release 1.0 is 20 years old
An eyewitness history of Revit 1.0