Tag: cloud computing
Display enabled Azure subscriptions
A PowerShell function to list enabled Azure subscriptions
How to copy ADFS certificate thumbprints cleanly
How to avoid a 10-year-old gotcha using PowerShell
The dirty little secret of public cloud IP addresses
You never know who’s touched it before you
Watch your EC2 Windows instance boot
AWS console feature doesn’t need RDP
AWS: Big? Check. Impenetrable? Nope.
Support done right
Deregister an AWS AMI and remove associated S3 snapshots
Update 2016-04-28: I’ve written an updated version of the script below that offers a graphical interface for managing AMIs. Of course, the script below still works. Recently, I wrote a PowerShell script that uses an EC2 instance’s Name tag to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) of that running instance. This post is about a bookend script…
AWS is the new black
Many of you know me as a high-tech (mostly software) marketing executive. But before that career, I was a geek. I was a software developer, a sys admin and a network architect well before many of you were born. Today, I can look out from my office in downtown Boston and see the building in…