Tag: hdtv
How to cut the cord, kiss FiOS goodbye and get pristine HDTV for free
A long time ago, cable TV started as a way to improve reception in hard-to-serve areas. Then, it blossomed into one of the most consumer unfriendly, blood thirsty for cash businesses on the planet. My two year contract with Verizon ends at the end of the month and I’m (gleefully) cutting the cord. VZ wanted more…
A nasty surprise: FiOS and HDTV on demand can crash your Internet connection
You know all those commercials Verizon is running with a young boy talking about “30db hot” and in which in open-mouth wonderment, he seems to be awash in light? Well, fudgedaboutit, at least when it comes to multiple HD video on demand streams and high-speed Internet. Not many people realize that FiOS uses a hybrid…