Tag: Politics
Got your letter, Mitt. But I am confused.
Dear Mitt, Thank you for your letter of “Wednesday morning.” I wasn’t surprised to hear that you need the support of “…our nation’s most committed Republicans…Republicans like [me]”. But I was a little surprised to hear I was a Republican, though. You might want to check that voter registration list you have. I’m not sure…
Do you use the Internet? Then you gotta read this.
It’s Memorial Day and a little rainy here, so I pulled out the iPad to catch up on tech news. And I stumbled on to a piece of proposed legislation that scared the bejesus out of me. The so-called PROTECT IP act (S.968), now fortunately placed on hold in the US Senate by the same…
thomas.gov needs a little more body-building so we can all use it
We all have leisure activities, right? One of mine is to read the actual text of bills pending in Congress. Hey, I have an interest in the legislative process — and I submit you do, too. The good news is the Library of Congress makes the full text and history of every Congressional action available…
Dear Michael Steele and the Republican Party: Please leave me alone
Dear Chairman Steele, Last November, I made a $25 contribution to your party’s candidate. I also made a $25 contribution to the Obama campaign. Then, I wasn’t sure who would have been the better president. Now, after months and months of non-stop invective from you and your party against President Obama, I am sure I…
Politics is to beer as poverty is to Wi-Fi
I’ve been way too busy to blog. But today, while my kid was drilling analogies in preparation for the SSAT, the blog muse struck. It’s Sunday, and I’ve just reviewed my retirement account statements from September 30. That was bad enough. But with the miracle of Quicken, I was able to see specifically the carnage…