Tag: twitter

  • Go ahead, ignore this post

    In all the blog posts I’ve written, I’ve never written one to be ignored. ‘Cept for this one. A WordPress plugin that I very much like — Twitter Tools — has been re-written to require another plugin called Social. The plugin authors are WordPress mavens, so I trust them. Unlike many plugins, Social and Twitter…

  • Another old-school moment

    I’m on vacation on the Cape. We’re having a blast. But this isn’t about the fact that we walked along the beach at dusk and had it all to ourselves or the fact that it’s so quiet and peaceful at our undisclosed location that I never want to leave. Instead this post is about WordPress…

  • Lunch with a former colleague …

    Lunch with a former colleague I hadn’t seen in 7 years. People change a lot/don’t change at all.

  • @I @surrender @to @social @media

    Last weekend, I attended PodCamp Boston. It was incredible. And there are two things I learned. First, my fellow vps of marketing in Boston, who at their networking event three days before Podcamp Boston indicated they’d never heard of this major event happening in their backyard, will remain with their heads totally stuck in the…