Tag: obfuscation

  • TIAA-CREF to Alex: we’re reading your blog about us

    Have you ever wondered if your blog reaches the people you hope it will? People beyond the immediate friends, family and business acquaintances that you are primarily blogging for? Have you heard people say that blogging is a flash in the pan…something that influences nobody…that has no impact? Are you one of my former blogging…

  • TIAA-CREF to customers: Please read the letter (if you can)

    I hate obfuscation. This week, TIAA-CREF sent my wife the letter I’ve attached to this post as a PDF. It’s unsigned, unaddressed and clearly written by an attorney…but the marketing guys got into the act as well. The letter is a notice of a price increase….but it never says TIAA-CREF is raising prices. It only…