Tag: tech

  • Quicken has been sold. Now what?

    Long-suffering users cling to against-all-odds hopes for Quicken

  • Why everyone should pay $10 for Amazon Echo

    Everyone has an opinion about the Amazon Echo; here’s mine. Amazon Echo is the best $10 kitchen radio and timer ever invented. Nearby you see my Echo pictured. It’s banished to the least desirable part of the kitchen: the odd corner where you can’t fit a countertop appliance. Totally out of the way in this…

  • Do you watch video on the Internet?

    Dumb question, right? Of course you — and increasingly the rest of the world — watch all kinds of video on the Internet. And we all know it’s occasionally a frustrating experience. Images break-up, pixelate, stop or — my favorite — go audio only. Still, despite the low quality experience we are often stuck with, every estimate of…