TL;DR: Download my Boston Bimmer story on how to buy a BMW via European Delivery here:
I am crazed about cars. Cars in the morning…cars at night…fast cars…faster cars. Cars I can’t afford. Cars I hate. Cars that I can’t get into or out of. Cars that aren’t green. Cars that don’t have red leather interiors. Black cars. Silver cars. Especially silver cars.
Ask my girls: the DVR overflows with recorded shows from Velocity. The, ahem, reading rack is full of brochures for cars I am dreaming about. Even Porsche sends me 911 literature because they don’t know we can’t afford Porsches.
My flames burn brightest for BMW 3 Series cars. But I have to buy them in Europe. I’ve bought two 3 Series this way: a 2006 330i in July 2005 and my current car, an F30 BMW 335i Sport Line, in July 2012. Update 2019-10-13: I’ve joined the SUV craze and now own two BMW G01s — a 30i and an M40i. Unfortunately, these are built in South Carolina and not available for BMW European Delivery. BMW does offer Performance Center in Grenville. But, South Carolina.
The European Delivery experience is a life-altering event — one which I hope you are lucky enough to experience. When I was asked to write about my most recent BMW European Delivery experience for the Boston Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America I decided not to focus on how wonderful the program is — though a BMW European Delivery is a bucket-list item for people who love travel and luxury cars.
Instead, I detailed the pricing and ordering process one must go through to order a BMW European Delivery car. I also pointed out some important differences between the normal car-buying process and how a BMW European Delivery transaction works. It’s not hard to understand or manage — but it’s not at all the way you normally buy a car.
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