Category: Tech
Running Jellyfin in a Docker container
How to run Jellyfin in a Docker container and persist content
How my blog beat BMW at search engine optimization
Thanks, Bing, for making me #1
Saving documents in Office 2016 Mac
Watch that icon change before your very eyes
Quicken has been sold. Now what?
Long-suffering users cling to against-all-odds hopes for Quicken
How to display a nicely formatted path in PowerShell
I’m setting up a Chef environment on Windows, and like most devops/architect tools, you need to set the path environment variable to let the system know where all the good stuff is. (Path is one of those things that never dies.) Displaying that path is easy if you use the old Windows command prompt shell.…
Why everyone should pay $10 for Amazon Echo
Everyone has an opinion about the Amazon Echo; here’s mine. Amazon Echo is the best $10 kitchen radio and timer ever invented. Nearby you see my Echo pictured. It’s banished to the least desirable part of the kitchen: the odd corner where you can’t fit a countertop appliance. Totally out of the way in this…
Thinking aloud goes 100% SSL (TLS)
I am very pleased to announce that this blog, Thinking aloud, is now 100% SSL (actually, TLS). I did this for a couple of reasons. First, it was a great learning experience. Thinking aloud runs on an Azure virtual machine. That allows me complete control of the web server and its settings. Setting up the Apache ciphers,…
AWS is the new black
Many of you know me as a high-tech (mostly software) marketing executive. But before that career, I was a geek. I was a software developer, a sys admin and a network architect well before many of you were born. Today, I can look out from my office in downtown Boston and see the building in…
How to cut the cord, kiss FiOS goodbye and get pristine HDTV for free
A long time ago, cable TV started as a way to improve reception in hard-to-serve areas. Then, it blossomed into one of the most consumer unfriendly, blood thirsty for cash businesses on the planet. My two year contract with Verizon ends at the end of the month and I’m (gleefully) cutting the cord. VZ wanted more…
How to get the agenda back view on iOS 7
In the early days of iOS, Apple made a brilliant strategic move: it embedded Microsoft’s ActiveSync technology into the OS. The result has been that for many releases — I think as far back as iPhone 3 — fans of Microsoft messaging technology could get perfect — and I mean perfect — synchronization of not just messages,…
How to open and save files in Microsoft Word more easily
The problem with eye candy in a software product that you “live in” all day is just the extra clicking past irrelevant stuff. It’s also how functionality you need gets buried under things you don’t. In Microsoft Word, little is more basic — or more important — than opening and saving files. A notable example of this…