Category: AWS
The dirty little secret of public cloud IP addresses
You never know who’s touched it before you
How to get a grip on your AWS bill
Managing AWS costs simply
Watch your EC2 Windows instance boot
AWS console feature doesn’t need RDP
Graphically deregister AWS AMIs and associated S3 snapshots
PowerShell’s Out-GridView cmdlet rocks
Understanding AWS RDS recovery
RDS backup and restore are (mostly) automatic
A primer on using Vagrant with AWS to launch EC2 instances
Sitting on my hard disk, eyeing virtual machines with good intent
How to enable SQL Server 2008 R2 authentication mode with PowerShell
Some of my friends who follow this blog have told me that they have no idea what I’ve been posting about lately. That’s because my recent posts have been mostly about helping people who are Googling specific questions. If you are one of my pals who who’ve stuck with me here, thank you. I appreciate it.…
How to use PowerShell in Chef to install Windows Server features
Chef — the wildly popular configuration management system, whose motto is “infrastructure as code” — treats Windows as a second-class client, despite all protestations from from its creator, Opscode, to the contrary. Still, you can do some cool stuff with Windows and Chef in PowerShell, as long as you can stand the Ruby “domain specific language” that Opscode…
How to use Route 53 private DNS with EFS mount targets
How to use the Elastic File System with DNS
How to tag AWS EC2 AMI snapshots with a tag from the owning AMI
Sync up Name tags between EC2 AMIs and EC2 snapshots
Time to pop some stuff off the stack
It’s been a swirl lately. That means limited time to post here. It pains me when I don’t post here regularly. Mind you, I am always thinking about things to say. I’d rather just get it out there in short form than forget stuff. Herewith, a “short stack”. (How’s that for mixing pancake and computer…
AWS: Big? Check. Impenetrable? Nope.
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