Tag: drupal
Decisions…decisions or another in a continuing series of Drupal-basing posts
You know that area at the bottom of your LinkedIn profile where you get to claim that you know something about something? I don’t spend a lot of time on LinkedIn but I noticed that I claim to know Drupal, hours after launching the new www.zixi.com, a website I did in WordPress. I not only survived…
Still recovering from Drupal: one year later
It’s time to build and write another website — something I do about once a year, it seems. After my last (self-inflicted) debacle with Drupal (here and here), there was no question that I’d use WordPress for the new website I am developing for Zixi. And when I decided today to write (yet another) love…
I STILL hate Drupal
About a year and a half ago, I wrote a post titled “I Hate Drupal.” It’s turned out to be one of the most popular and enduring posts on this blog. The post continues to draw traffic and comments despite its age. Why then, you might ask, did I lose my mind and recommend and…
New look, same snark
Back in the good old days at IBM — the days when smokers were allowed to smoke inside the office — the guys would congregate in the back of the office in Copley Place (aka “New Jersey”) and through thick clouds of blue smoke bitch about management. After a moment of silence while we absorbed…
I hate Drupal
The first iteration of www.vuuch.com was in Drupal. That decision doesn’t count among the best we have made. Since last August, I’ve struggled to warm to Drupal. Today, I am coming out of the Drupal-hating closet to tell the world what a mess this system is. It’s impenetrable, unsupportable, slow, awkward, poorly architected and ugly. I’ve…
WordPress 2.5 rocks
I know I’ve been very lax about blogging here because launching a whole new category of enterprise application development software is taking up all my time. Still, I am compelled to stop for a moment and give WordPress 2.5 maximum love for being a killer upgrade. Installation was a snap, and the single problem I…