Tag: DevOps
The secret to PowerShell remoting over ssh
The magic line of configuration to enable PowerShell remoting over ssh.
AWS KMS multi-region keys
AWS multi-region key CloudFormation templates
Azure Bicep is a revolution in Azure DevOps
Getting started with Azure Bicep templates
How to create secure SFTP servers in AWS
Create secure SFTP servers in AWS with this CloudFormation template
Backup Azure KeyVault secrets in PowerShell
How to backup/restore Azure KeyVault Secrets in PowerShell
Azure ARM template deployment scripts
Use PowerShell and/or the CLI in ARM templates with deploymentScripts
Full-stack cloud infrastructure engineering
The cloud ain’t your father’s data center
Comparing Azure and Azure Stack
An API-level comparison of Azure Stack vs. Azure
Azure tutorial template to create UDRs and associate them with subnets
A sample Azure ARM template to create user-defined routes (UDRs) in Vnets and assign them to subnets
Azure Resource Manager nested templates: the magic number is five
Azure templates limits mean just five resource groups in a single deployment
PowerShell how to create multiple Azure virtual networks in multiple subscriptions
Compare Azure PowerShell to Azure Resource Manager templates
How to create Azure virtual networks
A sample Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template to create Vnets in multiple subscriptions